Rene Galozo (46)
I grew up in the Philippines in a village a few kilometers from the sea. As a little boy I knew I wanted to be a sailor. We were on the coast and I saw a sailboat pass by. Then I told my parents that I wanted to sail. That was my ambition.
The life of a sailor is quite hard. Hard work, little sleep. You have storms, big waves. That’s the life of a sailor. We do our best. I still like it, because it’s my ambition. As a sailor you can visit the world for free. When my coastal leave begins, I say: this is for my entertainment.
You also earn good money when you sail. You don’t earn much on land. At my school we said: we study here to earn dollars instead of pesos. That has more value. I’m on board here to make money for my family.
I have a wife and two daughters, ages 16 and 14. We can be in touch every day or every other day thanks to WiFi on board. Then I will tell them about my work at sea. That was harder for the older generations of sailors, in the 1990s and before. They had no contact with home. We have it better on board.